Gary Stranger

Gary Stranger is a UK-based artist who started out writing graffiti in 1996. He is famed for his well-executed typographic pieces.
Over the past decade Gary has moved his wall paintings/murals away from the traditional graffiti aesthetic. His studio work and his wall paintings consist of hand-drawn and painted typographic arrangements, attempting to communicating the artist's sentiment on a his inner most thoughts and moments passions.
Gary is the co-founder (together with Pref) of Typographic Circle.
..."The cohesion between the artists that are part of this movement is a desire to make work that explores the boundaries of typographic design, within the contexts of both studio work and in-situ wall painting. The group takes the placement, attitude and quest for individual style and originality from the graffiti world and mixes it with the constraints of type-making and type-setting. Typographic Circle gives accessibility and expression of the written word to create a new aesthetic and approach".
Gary Stranger had also taken up Residency at Whistleblower Gallery during July 2018 and October 2020 here he experimented with new forms of work.​​
The gallery now only has limited older work by the artists and once sold we will not continue to stock his work.
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Solo exhibitions
Sept./Oct., Let's Talk, Whistleblower Gallery, Brighton, UK
July/August, CONSUMED, Whistleblower Gallery, Brighton, UK
November/December, OUTSIDE IN, Whistleblower Gallery, Brighton, UK
October/November, Artist Residency at Whistleblower Gallery, Brighton, UK
July, Artist Residency at Whistleblower Gallery, Brighton, UK
Moniker Art Fair with StolenSpace, London, UK
Group exhibitions
The Royal Academy of Art, Winter Exhibition 2020, London, UK
March, Group Show at The Other Art Fair with Creative Giants, London, UK
October, Moniker Art Fair joint show with Pref., London, UK
May, Typograffic Circle group show at Stolen Space Gallery, London, UK
StolenSpace with Typograffic Circle, London, UK
We sometimes have other available works by Garry Stranger, or can accept commissions. Please get in touch if you want to know more.