Jon Link

Jon Link is one half of Modern Toss, the profane and artful British cartoon series — for nearly 20 years Modern Toss artwork has been acquired by collectors worldwide.
Their cartoons and animations feature regularly in Private Eye, The Guardian, New Scientist, The Idler, Channel 4 and the BBC. Prior to Modern Toss, Link designed record sleeves and magazines.
Jon Link lives and works in Brighton.
NIBHEADZ - Whistleblower Gallery (July 8 to August 9, 2021).
“I’ve spent nearly 20 years drawing thousands of little cartoon heads, each of which takes between 1.5 and 2 seconds to complete and are approximately 5mm in diameter.
Some time ago to give myself a break I decided to work on some drawings of heads that were the complete opposite. These took days rather than seconds and were on a big scale.
Some of the techniques came from getting back into life drawing, and were then adapted to photos taken on the way into the office along London Road in Brighton.
The pre-work death stare in these photos was a useful unposed look to work with.
The processes developed were partially to do with many years of photoshop use as a designer and adapting this to ways of drawing where I could cover up mistakes and keep reworking.
This and looking at people’s heads is what interests and drives me to make them.” Jon Link, Brighton,2021